冯缤,青年研究员,博士生导师。2020年获复旦大学放射医学博士学位,先后在澳大利亚国立大学、日本筑波大学、德国莱布尼兹汉诺威大学、奥地利维也纳工业大学等国外知名研究机构从事科研工作,2024年作为复旦大学引进人才回国工作。长期致力于辐射防护与放射生态学相关研究,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Nature Sustainability、Environmental Science & Technology、Environment International等放射生态领域权威期刊发表论文十余篇,长期担任Environmental Science & Technology、Environment International等期刊审稿人。入选德国洪堡学者计划、奥地利科学基金会国家青年人才计划,主持日本放射生态国际合作基金等项目5项。应邀在CFEC2023等本领域重要学术会议担任分会场主席并作特邀报告3次。
1. 放射性核素环境特征(分布、来源)刻画方法研发;
2. 放射性核素多尺度环境迁移行为研究与暴露预测模型构建;
3. 环境辐射暴露的毒性和健康风险评价。
1. A passive method for airborne radioactivity monitoring. The FWF-ESPRIT program, Austrian Science Fund, Austria. (2024-2027); 主持
2. Development of time-integrating method for nuclear forensics,Postdoctoral fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Germany. (2022-2024); 主持
3. Impact of different land use along the Kasumigaura lake on suspended sediment delivery and particulate 137Cs discharge.International Grant, Environmental Radioactivity Research Network Center, Japan. (2024-2025); 主持
4. Impact of different land use along the Kasumigaura lake on suspended sediment delivery and particulate 137Cs discharge.Young Grant, Environmental Radioactivity Research Network Center, Japan. (2023-2024); 主持
5. Impact of different land use along the Kasumigaura lake on suspended sediment delivery and particulate 137Cs discharge.International Grant, Environmental Radioactivity Research Network Center, Japan. (2022-2023);主持
6. 核径迹三维重建技术与医用荷电粒子剂量学研究,国家自然科学基金 (面上项目),中国. (2018-2021); 参与
7. 室内空气净化对降低居民氡照射的效果研究,国家自然科学基金 (面上项目),中国. (2018-2021); 参与
8. 核设施气态排出物中气态氚监测方法与校准技术研究,上海市质量技术监督局 (科研项目) ,中国. (2018-2021); 参与
9. 核设施气态排出物中14C监测及量值溯源技术研究,上海市质量技术监督局 (科研项目) ,中国. (2018-2021); 参与
1. Bin Feng, Yuichi Onda*, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Keisuke Taniguchi, Asahi Hashimoto, Yupan Zhang. Persistent impact of Fukushima decontamination on soil erosion and suspended sediment. Nature Sustainability 2022, 5(10), 879-889. (Nature子刊,中科院一区TOP, IF=27.6)
2. Bin Feng, Martin Ibesich, Dieter Hainz, Daniel Waidhofer, Monika Veit-Öller, Clemens Trunner, Thomas Stummer, Michaela Foster, Markus Nemetz, Jan M Welch, Mario Villa, Johannes H Sterba, Andreas Musilek, Franz Renz, Georg Steinhauser*. Development of a Novel Passive Monitoring Technique to Showcase the 3D Distribution of Tritiated Water (HTO) Vapor in Indoor Air of a Nuclear Facility. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57(48), 20024-20033. (Nature Index,中科院一区TOP, IF=11.4)
3. Bin Feng, Bo Chen*, Weihai Zhuo, Qianyuan Chen, Yu Zhang, Weiyuan Zhang, Seasonal and spatial distribution of atmospheric tritiated water vapor in mainland China, Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (24), 14175-14185. (Nature Index,中科院一区TOP, IF=11.4)
4. Felix Stäger, Dorian Zok, Anna-Katharina Schiller, Bin Feng*, Georg Steinhauser*, Disproportionately high contributions of 60-year-old weapons-137Cs explain the persistence of radioactive contaminations in Bavarian wild boars. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57 (36), 13601-13611. (Nature Index,副刊面, Altmetric全球热门前5%论文,中科院一区TOP, IF=11.4)
5. Bin Feng, Georg Steinhauser, Weihai Zhuo, Zhiling Li, Yupeng Yao, Tobias Blenke, Chao Zhao, Franz Renz, Bo Chen*. Development and calibration of a modifiable passive sampler for monitoring atmospheric tritiated water vapor in different environments. Environmental International 2022, 169, 107505. (中科院一区TOP, IF=11.8)
6. Bin Feng, Weihai Zhuo*, Levels and behavior of environmental tritium in East Asia. Nuclear Science and Techniques 2022, 33, 86. (主编邀稿,中科院一区,IF=2.8)
7. Bin Feng, Yuichi Onda*, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Keisuke Taniguchi, Asahi Hashimoto, Yupan Zhang. Concurrent datasets on land cover and river monitoring in Fukushima decontaminated catchment during 2013–2018. Scientific Data 2023, 10 (1), 547. (中科院二区, IF=9.8)
8. Bin Feng, Bo Chen*, Weihai Zhuo, Weiyuan Zhang. A new passive sampler for collecting atmospheric tritiated water vapor. Atmospheric environment 2017, 154, 308-317. (中科院二区, IF=5.0)
9. Bin Feng, Bo Chen, Chao Zhao, Linfeng He, Fangdong Tang, Weihai Zhuo*. Application of a liquid scintillation system with 100-ml counting vials for environmental tritium determination: Procedure optimization, performance test, and uncertainty analysis. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2020, 225, 106427. (中科院三区, IF=2.3)
10. Bin Feng#, Chao Zhao#, Bo Chen, Weihai Zhuo, Yiwen Liu, Liangzi Wang, Linfeng He, Fangdong Tang*. Application of synthetic benzoic acid technology in environmental radiocarbon monitoring. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2020, 216, 106188. (中科院三区, IF=2.3)
11. Bin Feng, Quan Tang, Hui Zhang, Bo Chen, Shoukang Qiu, Weihai Zhuo*. Measurement of the potential alpha energy concentration of radon progeny by using liquid scintillation counting method. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2019, 184(3-4), 440-443. (中科院四区, IF=1.0)
12. 冯缤,陈波,卓维海*.大气氚化水被动采样技术研究进展.中国辐射卫生 2017, 26 (1), 123-126.
1. 第三届中国磁约束聚变能大会(CFEC 2023),四川绵阳,2023.特邀报告;
2. 3rd International Conference on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (RANC 2023), Budapest, Hungary, 2023.特邀报告;
3. International Conference on Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry (LSC 2020), Shenzhen (Hybrid), China, 2020.特邀报告;
4. 上海市海洋环境放射性监测前沿技术研修会,上海,2024.特邀报告;
5. 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, 2019.优秀口头报告奖(仅2人);
6. 中国化学会第二届中国氚科学与技术学术交流会,四川成都,2017.优秀口头报告奖;
7. 7th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA2023), Seville, Spain, 2023.口头报告;
8. ERAN annual meeting and 9th IER symposium, Fukushima, Japan, 2023.口头报告;
9. 12th International Conference Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC XII), Hawaii, USA, 2022.口头报告;
10. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA, 2021.口头报告;
11. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, Online, 2021.口头报告.
上海市斜土路2094号,邮编200032;电话:021-64042040, 邮箱:bfeng@fudan.edu.cn